The Black Boiled Eggs of Owakudani – A Japanese Delicacy

Photo: Rosie TulipsOwakudani, also known as the ‘Great Boiling Valley’, is a large volcanic caldera that formed 3,000 years ago when Mount Hakone erupted. The explosion was so powerful that the area is still active with boiling pools of water an…

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Stovetop Pizza Oven

Innovative pan allows you to easily cook delicious pizza on the gas stovetop.Stovetop Pizza Oven heats up to 600 F in 15 minutes and perfectly cooks fresh hot pizza in less than 6 minutes. Source…

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10 Of The World’s Hottest Foods

If you’re among those who can down hot sauce like water and think jalapeño peppers are refreshing, then these dishes and foodstuffs may be right up your alley.Here are 10 of the world’s hottest foods.Number 10. Shrimp Cocktail at St. Elmo Steak …

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Divided Pan

Innovative frying pan with 5 sections will help you quickly prepare a full meal.Cook up to five different foods at once with the Master Pan skillet. …

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Modern Toilet Restaurant

Would you eat in this Poo-Poo & Pee-Pee Themed Restaurant in Taiwan?It shouldn’t surprise you that one of Taiwan’s most successful theme restaurant franchises is Modern Toilet, a celebration of all objects and substances found in bathrooms. Taiw…

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Naked Sushi Lady

In Hanover Germany, something fishy is going on at the sushi Island bar.…

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Turkish Street Food - Street Food in Turkey - Istanbul

Turkish Street Food - Street Food in Turkey - Istanbul…

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 Evo kako ubrizgavaju otrov u lubenice da bi bile slađe!!
Evo kako ubrizgavaju otrov u lubenice da bi bile slađe!!

Na snimku je prikazano kako lubenica, koju ovih dana jedemo, je pumpana raznim hemijskim supstancamaPoslije ovog snimka, više nikada nećemo biti sigurni šta tačno jedemo. Na snimku je prikazano kako se grašak, lubenice i tikvice hemijski prerađu…

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Top 10 Awful Facts About McDonalds

You know that McDonald’s is kind of evil, because there are more column inches and pseudo-scientific documentaries dedicated to that fact than there are as to whether or not jet fuel can burn hot enough to melt steel. But we felt that there was …

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The Las Vegas woman ate 38 hot dogs and buns in 10 minutes

Defending champion wins women’s hot dog eating competitionDefending champion Miki Sudo has won the women’s division of the annual July Fourth hot dog eating contest at Nathan’s Famous in Coney Island.The Las Vegas woman ate 38 hot dogs and buns …

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Kušali su najsmrdljivije jelo: 'Kao kanalizacija u konzervi!'
Kušali su najsmrdljivije jelo: 'Kao kanalizacija u konzervi!'

Surströmming je fermentirana haringa i švedski specijalitet koji slovi za daleko najsmrdljivije jelo na svijetu. Ovako to izgleda kada ga kušaju zapadnjaci iz SAD-aUkoliko na YouTubeu pretražujete pojam 'Surströmming', očekujte desetine snimki n…

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Taiwan Invents Square Watermelon Bread

In one of the weirdest and most confusing food mash-ups we’ve ever seen, a Taiwanese bakery has invented a loaf of bread that looks just like the equally bizarre square watermelons popular in Japan.According to Jimmy’s Bakery, which invented thi…

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