Innovative frying pan with 5 sections will help you quickly prepare a full meal.
Cook up to five different foods at once with the Master Pan skillet.
Photo: Rosie TulipsOwakudani, also known as the ‘Great Boiling Valley’, is a large volcanic caldera that formed 3,000 years ago when Mount Hakone erupted. The explosion was so powerful that the area i...Read more »
Innovative pan allows you to easily cook delicious pizza on the gas stovetop.Stovetop Pizza Oven heats up to 600 F in 15 minutes and perfectly cooks fresh hot pizza in less than 6 minutes. SourceRead more »
If you’re among those who can down hot sauce like water and think jalapeño peppers are refreshing, then these dishes and foodstuffs may be right up your alley.Here are 10 of the world’s hottest foods....Read more »
Would you eat in this Poo-Poo & Pee-Pee Themed Restaurant in Taiwan?It shouldn’t surprise you that one of Taiwan’s most successful theme restaurant franchises is Modern Toilet, a celebration of al...Read more »
Turkish Street Food - Street Food in Turkey - IstanbulRead more »
Na snimku je prikazano kako lubenica, koju ovih dana jedemo, je pumpana raznim hemijskim supstancamaPoslije ovog snimka, više nikada nećemo biti sigurni šta tačno jedemo. Na snimku je prikazano kako s...Read more »
You know that McDonald’s is kind of evil, because there are more column inches and pseudo-scientific documentaries dedicated to that fact than there are as to whether or not jet fuel can burn hot enou...Read more »
Defending champion wins women’s hot dog eating competitionDefending champion Miki Sudo has won the women’s division of the annual July Fourth hot dog eating contest at Nathan’s Famous in Coney Island....Read more »
Surströmming je fermentirana haringa i švedski specijalitet koji slovi za daleko najsmrdljivije jelo na svijetu. Ovako to izgleda kada ga kušaju zapadnjaci iz SAD-aUkoliko na YouTubeu pretražujete poj...Read more »
In one of the weirdest and most confusing food mash-ups we’ve ever seen, a Taiwanese bakery has invented a loaf of bread that looks just like the equally bizarre square watermelons popular in Japan.Ac...Read more »
Izbor torte za svadbeno vjenčanje uvijek je zahtjevan posao, jer sve mora da bude bajkovito. A upravo je potpuno bajkovita torta koju ćete vidjeti u videu ispod.Read more »
The Nathan's Hot Dog Eating Contest is an annual American hot dog competitive eating competition. It is held each year on Independence Day at Nathan's Famous Corporation's original, and best-known res...Read more »
From hot chocolate infused with five grams of edible gold to fish eggs harvested from the rare albino beluga we countdown the 10 most expensive foods in the world.Countdown List:#10 Bombay Brassiere's...Read more »
Italijani su ove subote srušili svjetski rekord napravivši najdužu pizzu na svijetu. Margerita koju su ispekli bila je duga 1,5 kilometar.Pizza je predstavljena na manifestaciji Milan 2015. Expo gdje ...Read more »
People would eat the darnedest things, depending on their cultural background and love of unique experiences. The point of this page is to find the food that is not necessarily disgusting (in most cas...Read more »
Japanka Kinošita Juka je na YouTube-u objavila snimak na kojem se vidi kako je za jedan obrok pojela tri kilograma Chow Meina, koji se pravi od tjestenine, povrća i mesa. Kinošita je poznata po tome š...Read more »
If you're ever bored of barbecuing, scientists from Syracuse University in the US have come up with the perfect alternative for your next backyard get together: lava grilling. Just ignore the fact tha...Read more »
Akebia quinata (Chocolate Vine or Five-leaf Akebia) is a shrub that is native to Japan, China and Korea, and naturalized in the eastern United States from Georgia to Michigan to Massachusetts.It grows...Read more »
Innovative vending machine designed by Claudio Torghele makes delicious pizza out of fresh ingredients in less than three minutes.Lets Pizza vending machine prepares and bakes Italian pizza by combini...Read more »
Nyotaimori,"serve (foods) on the female body",often referred to as "body sushi", is the Japanese practice of serving sashimi or sushi from the naked body of a woman.Nantaimori refers to the same pract...Read more »
Unatoč svemu, goli vas kuhar Jamie Oliver nije uspio preobratiti u strastvenog kuhara? E pa onda će to vrlo rado učiniti vrlo, vrlo zgodna i nadasve gola kuharicaOna je Jenn, ima 24 godine i ne priča ...Read more »
Innovative tap system allows people to harvest delicious fresh honey without opening the beehive and with minimal disturbance to the bees.Simply turn on the tap and watch pure honey flow into your jar...Read more »
Mumbai, najveća metropola u Indiji, također poznat i kao Bombaj ili 'grad snova'.Upoznajte uzbudljivi svijet gradskog života i 'ulične hrane', koja je srce i duša ovog grada.Read more »
This waiter-less restaurant serves dishes on a system of trails on which the ordered meals are transported from the kitchen directly to the guests at their tables.Food is ordered by touch screen, and ...Read more »
The Magic Restroom Cafe is a California-based first toilet-themed restaurant in America. There are toilet chairs to sit, and food is served in various toilet-styled plates and bowls. Even the menu is ...Read more »
If your idea of a perfect meal is garlic, garlic and more garlic, The Stinking Rose restaurant should definitely be on your itinerary the next time you’re in San Francisco. Their motto – “we season ou...Read more »
Most traditional dishes in Costa Rica consist of rice and beans with other ingredients like chicken or fish and different sorts of vegetables, which is why they are really cheap.Gallo PintoThe most co...Read more »
Edible LEGO bricks made by Japanese designer Akihiro Mizuuchi out of delicious white, dark, and milk chocolate.You can build robots, castles, structures, and cool toys and then eat them.Available in v...Read more »
How to Peel an Apples the Fastest Waygoogle_ad_client = "ca-pub-6412456300276695"; /* 336x280, stvoreno 2011.08.12 */ google_ad_slot = "2114137887"; google_ad_width = 336; google_ad_height = 280; goog...Read more »
Prva asocijacija na najnoviji hamburger koji je Burger King predstavio u Japanu mogla bi biti da je hamburger malo više zagorio, ali ipak crna boja predstavlja zapravo crno pecivo. Riječ je hamburger...Read more »
How to Make Potato Chips in the Microwavegoogle_ad_client = "ca-pub-6412456300276695"; /* 336x280, stvoreno 2011.08.12 */ google_ad_slot = "2114137887"; google_ad_width = 336; google_ad_height = 280; ...Read more »
EgipatZa dolar možete da pojedete tanjir košarija. To je jelo napravljeno od špageta, riže, sočiva i prženog luka. IndijaMožete da pojedete riže koliko poželite, bez ograničenja.AustrijaMoći ćete da k...Read more »
A pet store owner in Richland, Washington, is putting herself in her clients’ shoes (or paws, if you will) for a whole month. Dorothy Hunter has decided to eat nothing but pet food for 30 days; the ch...Read more »
Would you dare to buy candles that were labelled ‘Stinky’? Apparently, there are people who would! The Stinky Candle Company was set up by Jeff Bennett after he got sick of boring scents like vanilla,...Read more »
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