Selfie so firmly established in our lives that most people have literally does not know how to express themselves in something else. Since selfie is a constant competition, many people are ready to do anything. For example, to look like idiot. J…
10 Horrifyingly Awkward Boob Modifications
The bigger, the better? You may change your mind after viewing the photos of horrifyingly awkward boob modifications. It’s hard to believe we live among people who think getting huge breasts is a cool thing. BB Gunns The American stripper and ad…
Men’s Fashion: Looking Stupid On The Runway
Who doesn’t want to be stylish and gorgeous? All of us want the complete package. We follow the latest trends from the runways; we buy expensive clothes, we dream to look like catwalk models. No doubt the fashion world is incredible, but sometim…

- Crankin' Up the 3-String Shovel Guitar!
International touring and recording artist Justin Johnson has been hailed by Guitar World as a “must-see act”, dubbed “The Wizard” for his mastery of stringed instruments, and recognized as Slidest...
- 5 Insane Machines Everyone Wants to Ride
5 Insane Machines Everyone Wants to Ride These 5 rides will shock you! Links: Wesll Leaning Vehicle Joystick Bike EV4 Electric Rollerblade http...
- Aquarium Toilet
A lot of people put interesting artwork, magazines, or even novelty toilet paper in their bathrooms to take your mind off what they are there to do. I’m not really sure that it is a good idea to be...
- 10 Countries You Didn't Know Existed
What defines a country? Well, it can get a bit complicated. Zabavnik brings you 10 places that are - arguably - countries… countries that your Geography teacher never taught you about. What d...
- Most Dangerous Drugs on Earth
A drug is any substance other than food, that when inhaled, injected, smoked, consumed, absorbed via a patch on the skin or dissolved under the tongue causes a physiological change in the body. Wikipe...
- Toast Your Face Onto A Piece Of Bread With The Selfie Toaster
Hammacher Schlemmer is selling the Selfie Toaster. Currently it’s on sale for just $40. What a steal! You know, we posted another selfie toaster a few years back, but this one’s different. Besi...
- Dirty Dick’s Crab House, Nags Head, NC
Although the name really threw me off quite a bit, I must tell you about my visit to a restaurant during my trip to the Outer Banks in North Carolina called Dirty Dick’s Crab House. To begin, this ...
- It Is Almost Summer in Norilsk
Norilsk (Russian: Норильск; IPA: [nɐˈrʲilʲsk]) is an industrial city in Krasnoyarsk Krai, Russia, located above the Arctic Circle, east of the Yenisei River and south of the western Taymyr Peninsul...
- Horsetail Fall (Yosemite)
Photo Horsetail Fall, located in Yosemite National Park in California, is a seasonal waterfall that flows in the winter and early spring. The fall occurs on the east side of El Capitan. If Hors...
- The English atmosphere hidden in Japan: Yufuin Floral Village
Apart from its incredible history and well preserved culture, Japan hosts some of the most wonderful places that very few know about. While the bonsai art and kimonos are exciting, it’s actually an E...
- Sulabh International Museum of Toilets
Photo credit: In a quiet courtyard in the suburbs of New Delhi, inside a low-slung concrete building, the assistant curator and guides of Sulabh International Museum of Toi...
- Casa Terracota (Villa de Leyva/ Colombia)
Colombia’s Flintstone House Is Made Entirely from Baked Clay64-year-old architect Octavio Mendoza literally baked the house that he lives in. He calls the 5,400 square foot house ‘the biggest piece of...
Guinness World Records
- Most number of candles extinguished by farts
Gerard Jesse of the Philippines has broken a world record by breaking wind.Mr. Jesse is seen in the video below blowing out 5 candles with a series of farts, aided by a long tube and a very brave frie...
- Goalkeeper dog sets record (Guinness World Record)
Purin is an extremely talented 9-year-old female Beagle and a double record holder who is described as cool, competitive, easy-going and positive by her proud owner Makoto Kumagai (Japan).The fluffy g...
- Most fingers and toes on a living person
The most fingers and toes (polydactylism) on a living person is 28, which belong to Devendra Suthar, and was confirmed in Himatnagar,Gujarat, India on 11 November 2014.Devendra Suthar has 14 fingers a...
- The longest bicycle in the world
Setting themselves a challenge to get into the Guinness World Records annual, members of Dutch cycling organisation the Mijl Van Mares Werkploeg built the Longest bicycle in the world, measuring an as...
- Meet the 'Mexican Vampire Lady'
You'll get a shock when you watch the impressive footage of one of our most striking record-breakers, Maria Jose Cristerna AKA 'The Mexican Vampire Lady'. Each week here on, w...
Top 10
- 10 Best Inventions For Lazy People
Here are 10 inventions that will help make the lazy, lazier. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); (a...
- 10 Weirdest Inventions That Actually Exist
Straight up weird inventions that you need to see to believe. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); ...
- Top 10 Strangest Competitions Games Of Around The World
Humans are competitive by nature, that’s why they enjoy each activity more by making it into a competition. There are plenty of strangest competitions out there, some of which are incredibly danger...
- 10 Weirdest Festivals From Around The World
"From the Japanese penis festival to the annual goat throwing festival in Spain, these bizarre festivals from around the world are built upon centuries of tradition and history. Tourists from ...
- Top 10 Times the Simpsons Predicted the Future
The world's favourite family have been bracing our screens for over 15 years, but did you know abouttheir secret talent for predicting the future. Watch the clip to discover the 10 times the Homer, Ma...
- 10 Political Sex Scandals
Politics is messy business, but even more so when the leaders of the country get embroiled in a sex scandal.From a murdered mistress, to mass orgies,the 10 worst political sex scandals.
list 25
- 25 Amazing Things You Probably Didn't Know About Africa
The second largest continent on Earth is a bit of an exotic mystery to most people. So get ready, because from the languages to the people these are 25 amazing things you probably didn’t know about Af...
- 25 Crazy Things You’ll Only Find In Chinese Walmarts
Not surprising, the Walmarts in China are not like most Walmarts around the world…not at all. Today, we are going to show you a form of “cultural shock” wrapped in a big box retailer. You think that W...
- 25 Crazy Things You Will Only Find In Japan
Japan has always been popular for being technologically one step ahead the rest of the world. The unfavorable geographical and natural conditions of the country have made the Japanese an extremely inv...
- 25 Incredible People With Real Superpowers
Did you know that people with real superpowers actually exist? People who possess incredible sight, stamina, and durability. But that’s not all. Some even possess the ability to project energy, have a...
- 25 Crazy And Outrageous Competitions
Humans, by nature, are competitive. If something can be turned into a competition then it probably has. We’re sure that you’re familiar with the Olympics, the Little League World Series, and the Ironm...
- 25 Ways The World Is Ridiculously Hilarious
Did you know that Charlie Chaplin once lost a Charlie Chaplin look-alike contest? Or how about that the western lowland gorilla’s scientific name is “Gorilla gorilla gorilla”? These are 25 Ways The Wo...
Foto zabavnik
- Photos Of People Caught Shooting Idiotic Selfie
Selfie so firmly established in our lives that most people have literally does not know how to express themselves in something else. Since selfie is a constant competition, many people are ready to do...
- 10 Horrifyingly Awkward Boob Modifications
The bigger, the better? You may change your mind after viewing the photos of horrifyingly awkward boob modifications. It’s hard to believe we live among people who think getting huge breasts is a cool...
- Men’s Fashion: Looking Stupid On The Runway
Who doesn’t want to be stylish and gorgeous? All of us want the complete package. We follow the latest trends from the runways; we buy expensive clothes, we dream to look like catwalk models. No doubt...
- These Graves From Around The World Are Sweet, Strange And Just Bizarre
Graveyards are creepy places to be, there's no way around that. Sometimes though, the gravestones can be so much spookier than the graveyard itself. Takes these 23 graves for example. They're the str...
- The 20 Worst Swimsuits
Pretty much everywhere, it’s gonna be hot. So people all over the world are putting on their bathing suits and heading for the beach. Unfortunately, a good number of these people probably shouldn’t be...
- Weird and WTF Photos the Internet Can’t Explain
Okay, this is a little awkward, but seriously, what the hell is going on with the internet? We knew it was a never ending black hole of weirdness, but the human eye isn’t even prepared for this kin...
- Blonde FAILS
Well we have misunderstood for so many years the blondes behaviors, we don’t know if the reason or blame falls over the high amounts of peroxid they are exposed for almost half of a year, or maybe ...
- 32 Clever Ads You’ll Have To Look At Twice. #7 Is Just Brilliant
Nowadays we are surrounded by ads, we see them everywhere in the streets, on the metro, in tv and browsing the web. There are so many ads it’s easy to get bored by looking at them. Luckily there st...
- African Villages To Give People Hope
From the 13th of May to the 31st of October last year, Cape Town graffiti artist Falko painted his way across South Africa. His mission? To change the locals’ perception of value. The project, called...
- World's Biggest Breast
The 31-year old's surgically enhanced breasts weigh a whopping 9kg EACHThis eye-popping photo shows a woman who claims to own the world's largest fake BOOBS.German 'adult model' Beshine's surgically e...
- Crazy Cars Accidents
Here is collection of photo of crazy cars accidents. Some of them are funny accidents and some just bizarre accident.Source (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); (adsbygoogle = w...
- Wall Excavation
Human shaped hole carved into faux-concrete walls of art gallery represents mankind’s ability to create and destroy.Cool art installation by talented New York based artist Daniel Arsham.“The Future Wa...
- Oddest jobs in india you won’t believe exist - Ear cleaner
You think you have landed up in a bad job? Think about it. A ear cleaner examine's people’s ear, use a long brass pick, and then clean the ear wax completely. Tough job!
- Top 10 cleaning jobs in India
In all the diversity of India, beauty and cleanliness co-exist with ugliness and dirt. But we have many who helped us clean up. 10. The neighbourhood Dhobi or the Washermen is better than your...
- It Happens Only In India
India is a country situated in the southern part of Asia. It is a beautiful country known for its rich culture and traditions. In this post we are not going to talk about the greatness of India in fac...
- Most Funny Dog Fails Compilation 2015-2016
Funny dogs sometimes making us smiling than they do some stupid things. Dogs are very lovely pets. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push...
- The Luckiest People In The World
The compilation of some incredible lucky people. Some of them were so near to the death but they still alive with little or without injuries. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); (adsbyg...
- Pas za kosilicom!
Novinarka Andrea Martinez izvještavala je za lokalnu TV stanicu KYTX o posljedicama prolaska tornada kroz američku saveznu državu Teksas.Tornado je iza sebe ostavio uništena imanja, kao i smeće koje j...
- Humor kojem ne treba prevod: Pečurka kao mikrofon!
Nepisano pravilo kaže da je pola sata provedenih "u programu" ravno punom osmočasovnom radnom vremenu. Voditelji tome, ponekad, plate danak. Ne govorite turski? Ovoga voditelja ćete sigurno ...
- Ples policajca u liftu hit na internetu
Video u kojem američki policajac Tony Scherb pleše objavljen je na Facebook i YouTube stranicama šerifove kancelarije, a za sedam dana je pregledan više od dva miliona puta.Nakon 29 godina službe zamj...
- Goalkeeper dog sets record (Guinness World Record)
Purin is an extremely talented 9-year-old female Beagle and a double record holder who is described as cool, competitive, easy-going and positive by her proud owner Makoto Kumagai (Japan).The fluffy g...
- ŠOKANTNO: Frizerka snimila se*si video kako bi privukla mušterije pa objavila na Fejsbuk (VIDEO 18+)
Pogledajte, recimo, ovu predivnu ženu. Smije se, đuska, dobro je raspoložena. Svjesna je činjenice da su joj grudi ogromne i da će svaki muškarac misliti samo na njih kad je vidi. Ako je pametna, to ć...
- Novi hit: Baka iz Bosne objasnila kako izgleda prva bračna noć
Pitali su baku iz Banja Luke kako je nekada izgledala prva bračna noć i dobili novi internet hit.
- Kada baka ušeta na fudbalski teren
Jednu fudbalsku utakmicu u Grčkoj prekinuo je zaista nesvakidašnji događaj. Naime, na utakmici juniora u Grčkoj jedna starica je usred utakmice odlučila da pređe s jednog na drugi kraj terena. Igrači ...
- Best Jesus Pranks
Since everyone asked for it, here it is, the Best Of Jesus Pranks! Please feel free to enjoy!This video may contain Jesuses... but also:Jesus Walks On WaterJesus SavesJesus FishermanJesus Multiplies B...
- Impossibly Fast Growing Christmas Tree Gag
Pedestrians are asked to help with some special plant feeding formula to help a tree grow. Unfortunately, it seems they pour way too much into the soil, and the crazy, magic tree actually starts growi...
- Sexy Grandpa Carwash
These grandpas are ready to break the internet with their sexy car-washing moves...
- Animal Concerto Prank
Mini Mozart kid trained a bunch of birds to sing classical music. The little musical genius boy conducts the birds to perform in their cages for prank victims passing by. Then he walks off like a boss...
- Bridezilla? No, just Gorilla Bride
The newly married couple is posing for the photo, but the bride forgot her bouquet on the park bench. As people walk up from behind her to hand it to her, she turns around and scares the poop out of t...
- Accidental Matador Prank
Being a matador is scary stuff. Being a matador by accident is even scarier. When you hold up a red blanket in a park, you shouldn't be surprised when you come face to face with a raging bull.
- Sexy Lingerie Nun Poster
Pedestrians are surprised to find out the religious billboard they are washing is one showing a sexy nun in undergarments.
- Weird Japanese Commercials
Japan certainly never fails to impress with the weirdness of their commercials. The following "weird japanese ads" prove that there are somethings you just can't understand from the land of ...
- Funny Ads Commercials From Thailand - Compilation 2015
Very funny Ads Commercials From Thailand - Compilation 2015
- Ikea Commercial: A Fat Dog
Ikea and advertising agency Buzzman from Paris have released this hilarious video spot recently.The commercial features a man, who has an exceptionally fat dog. The poor thing is unable to walk, let a...
- Zbog ove reklame će zaigrati srce svakom poljoprivredniku
Kako bi kupce uvjerili u svježinu svojih proizvoda, jedan njemački supermarket je snimio reklamu, pravu adrenalinsku bombu.
- Weird, Funny & Cool Japanese Commercials #7
Sit back, relax and watch 10 minutes of the best Japanese Commercials
- Weird, Funny & Cool Japanese Commercials #8
Sit back, relax and watch 10 minutes of the best Japanese Commercials
- Weird, Funny & Cool Japanese Commercials #5
Sit back, relax and watch 10 minutes of the best Japanese Commercials
- Weird, Funny & Cool Japanese Commercials #2
Sit back, relax and watch 10 minutes of the best Japanese Commercials
- Break Dance Kid
Persil Commercial: Break Dance KidPersil has released this brilliant commercial recently.The spot is part of the “Dirt is Good” campaign, which has been running for a while now. This time it features ...
- Dramatic GIFs of People Who Are Incredibly Lucky To Be Alive
The man who played chicken with a trainThis firemanThe guy almost hit by a falling signThe man just trying to cross the roadThis unimpressed onlookerThe luckiest kid everThe guy saved by a treeA...
- 10 Muscly GIFs That Are Real Proud Of Their Muscles
Some strong muscles > other strong muscles.Source
- 25 Gifs Of The Luckiest People On Earth
Whether it is winning at sport betting or just getting the very last piece of our favorite chocolate at a store shelf, we all (ok, at least most of us) have good luck sometimes. However, there are peo...
- GIFs Of Crazy Soldier Bloopers And Wacky Police Blunders
You have NO IDEA how hard their job can be.viaviaviaviaviaviaviaviaviaviaviaviavia
- David Bowie - Rebel Rebel
"Rebel Rebel" is a song by David Bowie, released in 1974 as a single and on the album Diamond Dogs.Cited as his most-covered track,it was effectively Bowie's farewell to the glam rock moveme...
- Summertime Blues- Eddie Cochran
"Summertime Blues" is a song co-written and recorded by American rockabilly artist Eddie Cochran.It was written by Cochran and his manager Jerry Capehart. Originally a single B-side, it was ...
- Ruby Tuesday - Melanie Safka
Melanie Anne Safka-Schekeryk (born February 3, 1947) is an American singer-songwriter.Known professionally as Melanie, she is best known for her hits "Brand New Key", "Ruby Tuesday"...
- Ike & Tina Turner - River Deep Mountain High
"River Deep – Mountain High" is a 1966 single performed by Tina Turner and credited to Ike & Tina Turner. Considered by producer Phil Spector to be his best work,the single was successfu...
- Culture Club - Karma Chameleon
"Karma Chameleon" is a song by English band Culture Club, featured on the group's 1983 album Colour by Numbers. The first recorded use of the phrase "karma chameleon" was sung by T...
- Kraftwerk - Roboter
"The Robots" (originally Die Roboter) is a single by the influential German electronic music pioneers, Kraftwerk, released in 1978. The single and its B-side, "Spacelab", both appe...
- Na Na Hey Hey Kiss Him Goodbye - Steam
"Na Na Hey Hey Kiss Him Goodbye" is a song written and recorded by Paul Leka, Gary DeCarlo and Dale Frashuer, attributed to a then-fictitious band they named "Steam". It was rel...
- How do you do - Mouth and MacNeal
"How Do You Do" released in 1971 was an international hit single for Dutch duo Mouth & MacNeal. It was #1 in the Netherlands, Belgium, Denmark, Switzerland and New Zealand.It also spent ...
- Eruption - One Way Ticket
Eruption were a popular disco, R&B and soul band in the 1970s and 1980s.They are best known for their covers of Ann Peebles's "I Can't Stand the Rain" and Neil Sedaka's "One Way Tic...
- Trio -- Da Da Da
After it was released by the German band Trio in 1982, the dance-pop song “Da da da, ich lieb’ dich nicht du liebst mich nicht aha aha aha” (thankfully often shortened to just “Da Da Da”) experienced ...
- Art Company - Susanna
"Suzanne" (titled as "Susanna" for the English version) is a single by Dutch band VOF de Kunst also known as The Art Company, released in 1983.The song reached number one on the Si...
- Aphrodite's Child - Rain & Tears
Aphrodite's Child was a Greek progressive rock band formed in 1967, by Vangelis Papathanassiou (keyboards), Demis Roussos (bass guitar and vocals), Loukas Sideras (drums and vocals), and Silver Koulou...
- Marina - Rocco Granata
Rocco Granata (born 16 August 1938) is a Italian-Belgian singer, songwriter, and accordionist.Granata was born in Figline Vegliaturo, Calabria, southern Italy; but his parents immigrated to Belgium wh...
- Chubby Checker-The Twist
"The Twist" is an American pop song written and originally released in early 1959 by Hank Ballard and the Midnighters as a B-side to "Teardrops on Your Letter".Ballard's version wa...
- Percy Sledge - When a Man Loves a Woman
"When a Man Loves a Woman" is a song written by Calvin Lewis and Andrew Wright which was recorded by Percy Sledge in 1966 at Norala Sound Studio in Sheffield, Alabama. It made number one on ...
- 24000 Baci - Adriano Celentano
Adriano Celentano born 6 January 1938) is an Italian singer, composer, producer, comedian, actor, film director and TV host.The song reached 2nd place at the Sanremo Music Festival 1961.Peak chart pos...
- Gloria - Umberto Tozzi
"Gloria" is a 1979 love song that became an international hit. The song was originally written and composed in Italian by Umberto Tozzi and Giancarlo Bigazzi, and afterwards translated to En...
- Volare - Domenico Modugno - Nel blu dipinto di blu
"Nel blu dipinto di blu" (Italian pronunciation: [nel ˈblu ddiˈpinto di ˈblu]; literally "In the blue that is painted blue"), popularly known as "Volare" [voˈlaːre] (mean...
- Ode to Joy - Flash Mob Started by One Little Girl
One Little Girl Innocently Starts a Remarkable Orchestral Flashmob Playing ‘Ode to Joy’Mention classical music to most people and they won’t be interested in it. However just occasionally you will fin...
- Flash Mob - El Brindis de la Traviata de Verdi
Flash Mob en TEDxRiodelaPlata 2013 - El Brindis de la Traviata de Verdi
- Star Wars Flashmob in Cologne / Germany
On the 1st of October the WDR Radio Orchestra mingled with the crowds on Cologne Wallrafplatz and surprised with well-known tones from a galaxy far, far away....google_ad_client = "ca-pub-6412456...
- Wasamba Flash Mob - Forrest Chase
Wasamba and the Eco Faeries, flash mobbed the centre of Perth.Loud, energetic, and took Forrest place completely by surprise.
- Flash Mob Blues Brothers - Peschiera del Garda
Peter Gunn dei Blues Brothers, performed by 6 bands in the European country Italy to Peschiera del Garda in the province of Verona city.
- The Black Boiled Eggs of Owakudani – A Japanese Delicacy28 Mar 20163
Photo: Rosie TulipsOwakudani, also known as the ‘Great Boiling Valley’, is a large volcanic caldera that formed 3,000 years ago when Mount Hakone erupted. The explosion was so powerful that the area i...
- Stovetop Pizza Oven05 Feb 20160
Innovative pan allows you to easily cook delicious pizza on the gas stovetop.Stovetop Pizza Oven heats up to 600 F in 15 minutes and perfectly cooks fresh hot pizza in less than 6 minutes. Source
- 10 Of The World’s Hottest Foods24 Oct 20150
If you’re among those who can down hot sauce like water and think jalapeño peppers are refreshing, then these dishes and foodstuffs may be right up your alley.Here are 10 of the world’s hottest foods....
- Divided Pan12 Oct 20150
Innovative frying pan with 5 sections will help you quickly prepare a full meal.Cook up to five different foods at once with the Master Pan skillet.
- Modern Toilet Restaurant28 Sep 20150
Would you eat in this Poo-Poo & Pee-Pee Themed Restaurant in Taiwan?It shouldn’t surprise you that one of Taiwan’s most successful theme restaurant franchises is Modern Toilet, a celebration of al...
- Naked Sushi Lady26 Sep 20150
In Hanover Germany, something fishy is going on at the sushi Island bar.
- Turkish Street Food - Street Food in Turkey - Istanbul19 Sep 20150
Turkish Street Food - Street Food in Turkey - Istanbul
- Evo kako ubrizgavaju otrov u lubenice da bi bile slađe!!08 Aug 20150
Na snimku je prikazano kako lubenica, koju ovih dana jedemo, je pumpana raznim hemijskim supstancamaPoslije ovog snimka, više nikada nećemo biti sigurni šta tačno jedemo. Na snimku je prikazano kako s...
- Top 10 Awful Facts About McDonalds10 Jul 20150
You know that McDonald’s is kind of evil, because there are more column inches and pseudo-scientific documentaries dedicated to that fact than there are as to whether or not jet fuel can burn hot enou...
- The Las Vegas woman ate 38 hot dogs and buns in 10 minutes06 Jul 20150
Defending champion wins women’s hot dog eating competitionDefending champion Miki Sudo has won the women’s division of the annual July Fourth hot dog eating contest at Nathan’s Famous in Coney Island....
- Kušali su najsmrdljivije jelo: 'Kao kanalizacija u konzervi!'04 Jul 20150
Surströmming je fermentirana haringa i švedski specijalitet koji slovi za daleko najsmrdljivije jelo na svijetu. Ovako to izgleda kada ga kušaju zapadnjaci iz SAD-aUkoliko na YouTubeu pretražujete poj...
- Taiwan Invents Square Watermelon Bread26 Jun 20150
In one of the weirdest and most confusing food mash-ups we’ve ever seen, a Taiwanese bakery has invented a loaf of bread that looks just like the equally bizarre square watermelons popular in Japan.Ac...